
Sexually-transmitted diseases and tuberculosis data

The Office of Communicable Diseases (OCD) is responsible for monitoring trends in HIV, STDs (chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis), and tuberculosis. Additionally, OCD is responsible for monitoring and evaluating refugee health, syringe service programs and Ryan White Part B activities throughout Utah. Surveillance activities are coordinated to ensure efficient use of resources and epidemiologic skill. Surveillance staff ensure collection of accurate data, produce summary reports and disseminate information to a variety of stakeholders including the CDC and Utah residents. Surveillance staff are integrated into teams based on disease.

Surveillance activities consist of: 1) case detection 2) case management 3) quality assurance 4) transmission of data to CDC 5) reporting on surveillance trends to various stakeholders 6) monitoring and evaluating administered programs (refugee health, syringe services and Ryan White Part B).

The Programs update various health indicators on Utah’s Public Health Data Resource, the Public Health Indicator Based Information System (IBIS):

Find data publications organized by topic below.

Data reports



Tuberculosis (TB)

Ryan White Part B

Data Coming soon...

Syringe services